- I1 Introduction and basic concepts. Gallery of basic phenomena, micro- to macro- scale (molecular dynamics/continuum approaches), contact angle, Young equation, Laplace pressure, Free Gibbs Energy, Marangoni effects – Amirfazli
- I2 Introduction to fluid mechanics of liquid interfaces. Basic equations, Navier-Stokes equations for capillary flows, liquid jet break-up – Marengo
- I3 Surface tension & measurement techniques. Equilibrium and dynamic surface tension. De Nouy/Wilhelmy, sessile drop and pendant drop (ADSA), maximum bubble pressure. – Bertola
- D1 Dynamics of drops deposited on a surface. Sessile drops, spreading law, apparent and real contact angles. Drop shedding, contact angle hysteresis. – Amirfazli
- D2 Introduction to drop-wall interactions. Drop impact on dry and wetted surfaces. Morphology. Shallow and thick layers. Splashing correlations. – Marengo
- D3 Drop impact with a solid surface. Impact regimes, impact models, drop rebound. – Bertola
- D4 Heat and mass transfer in drops. Mono-component droplet heating and evaporation. Abramzon and Sirignano model. – Sazhin
- D5 Drop impact on heated surfaces. Introduction to drop impact onto heated surfaces. Impact regime maps. Transitions. Dynamic Leidenfrost temperature. Control of secondary atomization and splashing. – Bertola
- D6 Superhydrophobicity. Application of superhydrophobic surfaces. Cassie-Wenzel and competing theories. Types of SHS and manufacturing techniques. Impact on SHS surfaces. Impalement transition. – Amirfazli
- S1 Fundamentals of Atomization. Breakup and atomization models. – Marengo
- S2 Spray Applications. Types of atomisers. – Marengo
- S3 Measurement in Drops and Sprays.. Light-matter interaction, properties of coherent light. Diffraction-based instruments, applications to droplet and spray measurements. Interferometry Instruments, fringe model; applications to single particle velocity and droplet size measurements. Velocity an size averages in sprays: problems and procedures. – Araneo
- NN1 Introduction to non-Newtonian fluids. Constitutive models and practical examples (polymer solutions and melts, gels, etc.). Power-law fluids, viscoplastic fluids, viscoelastic fluids. Non-Newtonian fluid design. Elements of rheological measurements. – Bertola
- NN2 Impact of non-Newtonian drops. Formation of non-Newtonian droplets by capillary breakup. Impact of power-law and viscoplastic drops on solid surfaces. Impact of dilute polymer solution drops. Dynamic wetting. – Bertola
- A1 Applications of what you learned in the course. (a) Inkjet technology: Design of printheads, waveforms, ink formulations (b) Metal deposition, (c) 3D printing, (d) Microlens manufacturing. – Amirfazli
- A2 Introduction to microfluidics. Concept, physical motivation, tools, applications. – Bazargan
- A3 Droplet management in microfluidics. Methods, design and applications. – Bazargan
- NS1 Introduction to numerical simulations of sprays. Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches for two-phase flows. Mass, momentum and energy exchange. Nozzle flow and spray models – Battistoni
- NS2 Numerical simulations of atomizers. Applications and examples. – Bruni – PNR ITALIA
- AI1 Use of Artificial Intelligence in the field of fluid mechanics. Introduction, examples, perspectve applications. – Amirfazli